Monday, July 18, 2011

Why do I have to ask for forgiveness when I die?

All this nonsense I keep hearing about people committing suicide never have to ask for forgiveness, etc... what is all this crap? You think you have any control over what happens in your life? You think after a lifetime of actions you can simply "ask for forgiveness" and all injustices will be settled? Is God so weak that all your sins will be washed away simply because you ask for forgiveness? And is he so stupid as to send someone who commits suicide after much emotional pain to hell without forgiveness? God is smart enough to design us so that we can live our lives and not have to depend on asking him for forgiveness or not. We live through our actions and what we DO, not what we pray when we have some free time. Besides, for non-Christians, they all go to hell? Garbage. There is not multiple god, by definition, there is only one god, regardless of whether you're Christian, Islam, Buddhist, etc... How can you arrogant Christians come up and simply impose your opinions concerning God on everyone else? You can pray all you want, but whether you go to heaven or hell depends on what you DO. It's easier to talk the talk than walk the walk. No wonder some smart people make millions selling these fake messages.

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